Emilia Romagna Castles

Rocca Viscontea

The Rocca Viscontea, with its imposing 35 meters high tower, rises at the highest point of the village of Castell'Arquato.
Inside, it is possible to visit the Museum of medieval life (with models of war machines and construction and a reconstructed arms room) and of course, to reach a panoramic terrace where you can enjoy an extraordinary view of the hills.

In 1985 many scenes of the blockbuster “Lady hawke”, with Michelle Pfeiffer, Rutger Hauer e Mattew Broderick, were filmed in Castell’Arquato and most of all inside the Rocca.

Children's thematic visits or evening visits for adults are often organized.
Castell'Arquato joins the association "Borghi più Belli d'Italia" (the most beautiful villages of Italy) and is Bandiera Arancione (Orange Flag) of the Italian Touring Club.

Rocca Viscontea - Rocca Viscontea over Castell'Arquato's roofs photo credits: |Francesco Premoli| - Ufficio Turistico di Castell'Arquato